Sunday 29 April 2012

Sophie,Megan,Rhys,Rachel Prelim

Evaluation Question7

Looking back at you preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the proggresion from it to the full product?

I feel that I and the rest of my group have improved greatly from our prelim to our full product. Our prelim was a great way of introducing us to the basic equipment such as the handheld camera and editing software. When filming our prelimwe spent alot of time going back and watching the footage we had just shot to check that it was right which cost us alot of time and so when it came to filming the full product we didn't replay the shots so much unless we really needed to and so time was not wasted that way, so we learnt from that.

We also learnt from a continuity mistake that we made in the prelim, as in the prelim one shot of rachel had a coat stand in the background and then when we returned to her again from the same angle the coat stand had gone. This was because it was in the way of the staff in the cafe and so we moved it however we dd not realise that it had been so much in the shot and she continuted filming without re shooting the shot.This taught us to pay more attention to the surroundings for our filming of the main product and to be more aware of everything in shot so that this continuity did not occure again.

These are just two examples of the major things that the prelim taught us and that we developed and corrected in the making of our full product. We also learnt alot more in the progression such as how the efficiently plan ahead for the project as well as the basic priciples to what makes a successful film.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the prosess of constructing this product?

Constructing this project gave us the opportunity to work with alot of technologies that we had not worked with before. The first of these was 'blogger' the website to record our construction prossses onto. I picked up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to use. It was slightly awkard to use at times but overall I found it to be a very efficient website for recording my information.

The next pieces of technology that we used where much more complex to use. For filming we used two different types of cameras; the canon FX 305 for in the studio and a smaller hand held camera for our location shooting. The handheld camera was alot simplier to use than the canon as because it was a smaller portable camera it did not have as many controls as the canon to get to grips with and it focused automatically. Therefore we all pickied up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to shoot with. The canon was more challenging, however once we had had the induction and been told what does what I got the hand of it pretty quickly and found it to be a brilliant tool for filming that I really enjoyed using.

When it came to editing our film together we used a software called Adobe Premier Pro. I had actually used this software before and so it was familiar to me however it had been a while since I used it and I did not use it exccesively and so I still needed to re-learn how to use it. Once I had been refreshed on the way it works I picked it up very quickly and was able to use most of the tools avaiable to make our film to the best standard it could be.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Audience Interview

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

We addressed our target female audience by having mostly female leads which the audience can relate to and appreciate.

We attracted our spr/crime film fans target audience by applying crime film conventions to our films such as costume, props, setting and location and narrative.

Our sequence begins with a mini slowly driving along a road and then coming to a stop, we used this shot of the wheel to emphasise the slow speed of the car which suggests that they are sneaking up on something which begins to build up tension that our target audience would recognise from other films that they enjoy of the same genre and so we immediately spark their interest in the film.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Ideal target audience Personal Profile:

Name: Becky Denton
Age: 16
Location: Manchester
Likes/Hobbies: Going to the cinema, hanging out with friends and watching TV.
Favorite Films: James Bond; Casino Royale, The Bourne series.
Favourite TV programmes: CSI and Scrubs.
Favourite music: The Black Keys, Florence and the Machine.

This is our ideal target audience as it is a young female and so she can relate to and appreciate the female lead character roles in our films. She also is a fan of crime/action films and therefore would be more likey to like our film.