Sunday 29 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the prosess of constructing this product?

Constructing this project gave us the opportunity to work with alot of technologies that we had not worked with before. The first of these was 'blogger' the website to record our construction prossses onto. I picked up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to use. It was slightly awkard to use at times but overall I found it to be a very efficient website for recording my information.

The next pieces of technology that we used where much more complex to use. For filming we used two different types of cameras; the canon FX 305 for in the studio and a smaller hand held camera for our location shooting. The handheld camera was alot simplier to use than the canon as because it was a smaller portable camera it did not have as many controls as the canon to get to grips with and it focused automatically. Therefore we all pickied up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to shoot with. The canon was more challenging, however once we had had the induction and been told what does what I got the hand of it pretty quickly and found it to be a brilliant tool for filming that I really enjoyed using.

When it came to editing our film together we used a software called Adobe Premier Pro. I had actually used this software before and so it was familiar to me however it had been a while since I used it and I did not use it exccesively and so I still needed to re-learn how to use it. Once I had been refreshed on the way it works I picked it up very quickly and was able to use most of the tools avaiable to make our film to the best standard it could be.

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