Wednesday 18 April 2012

Conventions of the Crime Film

There are many different types of Crime films which can be split into these sub genres:

Film Noir eg Sunset Boulevard, Gilda
American Gangster eg Scarface, The Godfather
Detective eg Poirot, The maltese Falcon
Spy eg Casino Royale
Police eg Hot Fuzz, Starsky and Hutch
Action eg Lethal Weapon

All of these Genres contain acts against police or goverment authority and this establishes them as a Crime Film However within in each sub genre there are much more specific conventions that can been seen that establish them witin that sub genre.

We have decided to do our film opening sequence in the spy Sub genre. We looked at previous spy films for inspiration and for conventions that we could apply to our film. We looked at serious drama spy films such as Casino Royale and Mission Impossible and more humorous spy films such as Charlies angles. 

After looking into the spy film sub genre we found that the story line was usual about a goverment working agency as the hero's fighting against crime; the villians. This gave us the idea to challenge this convention and instead have the hero's be working against the goverment and police and they be the villians to the story. We found that there where alot of scenes invloving sneeking or breaking into places that often took place at night. Therefore we decided to have our openingsequence take place at night and be about a group of spys breaking into somewhere.

There were also alot of cosyume and propp conventions such as tight black cothing during night time mission scenes and weapons such as guns.

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