Friday 13 April 2012

Preliminary Task

Before starting on our main task we did a small preliminary exercise for us to learn and practise some simple filming techniques that are vital in film making. This prelim task needed to include a character opening a door, crossing a room sitting down in a chair opposite another character, whit whom she/he then exchanges a couple lines of dialogue with. It needed to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot ans the 180 degree rule.

We dicided to shoot ours in the college cafe and have the characters in it to be two friends meeting for a chat.

From our preliminary task we learnt how to achieve the filming techniques required and how to efficiently edit a sequence together. Whilst we filmed for this task we watched back alot of the shots we took on set which was not entirely necessary and therfore we made this a target that we did not need to do this for our actual task and this would make our filming alot less time consuming. We also set our selves targets that we would spend more time on the sound to go along with the sequence as the prelim task sounding a bit dull and that we would not use alot of dialogue in our actual task as ot becomes quite difficult to come up with natural and realistic dialogue.

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