Sunday 29 April 2012

Sophie,Megan,Rhys,Rachel Prelim

Evaluation Question7

Looking back at you preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the proggresion from it to the full product?

I feel that I and the rest of my group have improved greatly from our prelim to our full product. Our prelim was a great way of introducing us to the basic equipment such as the handheld camera and editing software. When filming our prelimwe spent alot of time going back and watching the footage we had just shot to check that it was right which cost us alot of time and so when it came to filming the full product we didn't replay the shots so much unless we really needed to and so time was not wasted that way, so we learnt from that.

We also learnt from a continuity mistake that we made in the prelim, as in the prelim one shot of rachel had a coat stand in the background and then when we returned to her again from the same angle the coat stand had gone. This was because it was in the way of the staff in the cafe and so we moved it however we dd not realise that it had been so much in the shot and she continuted filming without re shooting the shot.This taught us to pay more attention to the surroundings for our filming of the main product and to be more aware of everything in shot so that this continuity did not occure again.

These are just two examples of the major things that the prelim taught us and that we developed and corrected in the making of our full product. We also learnt alot more in the progression such as how the efficiently plan ahead for the project as well as the basic priciples to what makes a successful film.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the prosess of constructing this product?

Constructing this project gave us the opportunity to work with alot of technologies that we had not worked with before. The first of these was 'blogger' the website to record our construction prossses onto. I picked up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to use. It was slightly awkard to use at times but overall I found it to be a very efficient website for recording my information.

The next pieces of technology that we used where much more complex to use. For filming we used two different types of cameras; the canon FX 305 for in the studio and a smaller hand held camera for our location shooting. The handheld camera was alot simplier to use than the canon as because it was a smaller portable camera it did not have as many controls as the canon to get to grips with and it focused automatically. Therefore we all pickied up how to use it very quickly and found it easy to shoot with. The canon was more challenging, however once we had had the induction and been told what does what I got the hand of it pretty quickly and found it to be a brilliant tool for filming that I really enjoyed using.

When it came to editing our film together we used a software called Adobe Premier Pro. I had actually used this software before and so it was familiar to me however it had been a while since I used it and I did not use it exccesively and so I still needed to re-learn how to use it. Once I had been refreshed on the way it works I picked it up very quickly and was able to use most of the tools avaiable to make our film to the best standard it could be.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Audience Interview

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

We addressed our target female audience by having mostly female leads which the audience can relate to and appreciate.

We attracted our spr/crime film fans target audience by applying crime film conventions to our films such as costume, props, setting and location and narrative.

Our sequence begins with a mini slowly driving along a road and then coming to a stop, we used this shot of the wheel to emphasise the slow speed of the car which suggests that they are sneaking up on something which begins to build up tension that our target audience would recognise from other films that they enjoy of the same genre and so we immediately spark their interest in the film.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Ideal target audience Personal Profile:

Name: Becky Denton
Age: 16
Location: Manchester
Likes/Hobbies: Going to the cinema, hanging out with friends and watching TV.
Favorite Films: James Bond; Casino Royale, The Bourne series.
Favourite TV programmes: CSI and Scrubs.
Favourite music: The Black Keys, Florence and the Machine.

This is our ideal target audience as it is a young female and so she can relate to and appreciate the female lead character roles in our films. She also is a fan of crime/action films and therefore would be more likey to like our film.

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distibute your media product and Why?

A production company is a company responsible for the development and physical production of media products. they provide the funding and equipment to make the film and they oversee the production to make sure that the film conveys the right message and meaning that they want it to emboddy such as Universal. Our production company is Stickman Productions which specialises in the production of action films and funds itself which is why it was so idealic for our film.

A distribution company sells the rights to the films and is in charge of the distribution of the film. It decides on when and where the film will be showed and how it shall be advertised. Major companies such as Iniversal and Paramount would be able to distribute their films all over the world where as smaller companys would only be able to distribute their films to more local areas and on a smaller scale such as Working Title. For our film we would most likey have a distribution company like Working title but we could also distribute it with itunes so that it is available to a wider range of people globbally.

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social group?

we wanted our film to represent womean for our target social group as we wanted to paortray sex equality and show woman doing the same bold task of breaking an entery and stealing something of high imporatnce that would normally be seem as a masculine task. Therefore we had our cast consist of 3 females and 1 male. We could have had them as all females to portray this but we wanted to show equality and not suggest a biased completely feinistic attitude and so we had Rhys is in. We also tried to show the strong capablilities of the female characters by having them do the slightly more powerful roles. For example we had one female character driving the car which suggest female leadership, the same female character actually breaking in which shows these strong capablities an we had another female character be the first to enter the house which suggest bravery and again female leadership.

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Title of film
Our film title is 'Renegade' which means 'a person who deserts a party or cause for another.' 

This title is a development of the usual conventions of the genre as other films of the same genre as our tend to use dramatic bold one word titles as it makes it stand out and easy to remember.
Examples of this are Salt and Taken.

Salt Poster

Titles - Font and Style
our titles we did in a green typewriter font. 
As our storyline is a about a group of spys stealing some inportant goverment information in the form of a memory card we decided to do our front in this style as it looks similar to computer coding which links well to this idea of computerised information.

This front type i think is a development of crime films as they often use front that relate to the storyline of the film as it builds up an expected in the audience as to what the film involves. A good example of another crime film that does this is In time. In the opening of In time the titles appear in a green code like front with some of the leters in the word as couting down number to link to the storyline of people time running out.

Location/ Setting  

Our location and setting is also a development of crime film genres as most spy film genres involve the break in of an important place such as in the Mission Impossible franchise, everyone film from that franchise has a break in scene like the famous one from the first film when Tom Cruise is hanging from the ceiling and in the third when they break into a large building to steal 'the Rabbits Foot'.

Our film does go against it as well however as the places of importance that are usually broken into are big organisation buildings where as our is a high importance persons house.

Costume / Props 

Our costumes and props are deffinately a development of spy crime films as alot of crime films involve illegeal night activity and so they often wear black to blend in with the dark surroundings. a good example of this is in mission impossible 3 when they go to rescue a fellow agent from being held hostage. This take place at night and so they are wearing black clothing.   
Wgere the main characters are females as well they are often inslightly sexier clothing to show off their femininity and so as we are wanted to reach a female audience and most of our characters are females we decided to have slim fitting clothing and heals.


The light was easy to do in the studio however on location shooting it was alot more difficult and we needed to use the lights from the studio and car lights in order for the scene to be lit efficiently. We didn't want so much light as we wanted the house to appear dark and empty and so we used reflecters and torches as well in places where too much light would ruin the atmosphere of the film.


We wanted to have our characters as a gang of mainly female rebelious proffesional spys.  Not much characterisation was actually needed as our scene did not invlive any dialogue and so we tries to acheive this appearance by their costume and figure and movement. Tried to make them appear rebellious by having them act really calm care free about thier actions, as if they aren't even bothered about what the dangers that they are facing, this also makes them appear really strong and capable which was another positive character feature that suits the aim for them to appear proffesional.

In this clip the two at the front are simply restingon the bonet with the one on the right smoking a cigarette, which shows their relaxed and care free nature.

Camera Angles

We experimented with camera angles to try and create the right mood and atmophere to the audience. For example when they reach the house we wanted to make the house appear tall and dominant so that when they over came breaking init seemed like more of an acheivement therefore we tried to portray this by the use of an extreme high angle shot looking down from the roof of the house with them looking up to the roof.

We also tried to potray the hecitc escape by using a low angle canted angle shot when the car pull way from the curb. This makes the picture slant and move so that the audience feels more involved in the action and with it being a low angle shot it also suggest dominance and power of the characters driving away which they now are as they found the chip that they where looking for.

Editing transitions/ Visual effects

We only really used simple cuts in our editing transitions as we wanted it to look fast and choppy to reflect the haste if the situation. We did use visual effects however when it came to the credits as we wanted them encourporated into the scene and so we had to edit them into the shot and make them appear and dissappear with the movement of the charaters.

Here we had the title dissappear as rachel walked across the screen.

Here we had the titles appear out from behind the books and so we had to edit it so that it was slowly revealed as they moved the book.


The genre of our film is deffinatley a development of other spy crime films it involves the break in to an important place of authority and many other conventions of crime films such as costume, props and lighting. However we did challenge the genre as well by the care free nature of our spys as most spy films have the characters figure and movement appear alot more aggressive to show their power and authority.

Friday 27 April 2012


We started our filming in the tv studio of us  and immediatley we realised a problem, in our storyboard we had one of our titles be revealed out from behind a picture on a wall, this wouldn't be achievable in the tv studio as there where no pictures or uncoverd walls available and so we had to change one of the titles to be revealed on the desk.
We also realised that it would be difficult to do our establishing shot of the study as we were having to re-arange the room for shooting in the different areas of the room to get the lighting right and so we had to simply cut out the shot of the entire room as there was no way around it.
When we did our location shooting at my house we also came across a problem. We had originally decided to have us jumping from the garage roof in a shot where you see us on the roof and then jumping down out if shot. This turned out to be too difficult for us to do without having to actually jump off the roof and so we changed the shot to instead be just of pour feet landing on the floor.

When it came to editing our sequence together we found that we had put no shots of us each entering the room which we thought wouldn't be a problem but when put together it didn't make sense and so we then had to do some more filming of us each entering the room.

The music we decided to have with our opening sequence did not sync well with the begining video of te video and so we had to try and loop the begining of the song so that it reahed the climax part of the song at the right piont to go with our film. This was very difficult to do smoothly but with a lot of effort we mnaged to get it done effectively.


 This is our shot list.

We got together one lesson and discussed what we needed to do made this production meeting agenda.

Once we knew what times we where all available we made this shooting schedule. It did not have as many shooting times on it but due to not getting everyting done in the already decided time we had to add the last two.

Thursday 26 April 2012

The Pitch

We pitched our idea to our media class with a powerpoint presentation. We discussed the storyline, location, costume and prop ideas and displayed our moodboard.

We recieved alot of postive feedback, most negative comments where about the presentation and not the actual Pitch itself. One group did suggest we encourperate some comedy into it which would increase the audience and so we will try and do this when we come to shoot without taking away from the storyline.

Story Board


Our storyboard consists of two locations; outside the house and inside the study. it begins with the four main characters entering the scene in a car rolling up outside the house and then exiting the car. they is a small montage of then preparing their gear for the break in. They then make their way up to the house and once there, climb up onto the roof and break in through one of the windows. 

Once inside they then search through various parts of the study room looking for something. As they search and move items around the titles are revealed amongst the action. once they find the item they then leave the house and speed away in the car. 

Media institutions Research

After considering the major players in film production, distribution and marketing as well the independent company possibilities, I have decided to choose a major company as it will be more successful at making sure the film is widely advertised and viewed.

I have chosen Warner Brothers.

I have chosen Warner Brothers as they make a lot of action films and therefore our film would be ideal for the company.

We have decided to make our film a 12A certificate as we can get a larger audience to see the film and still maintain some levels of violence needed for the action scenes.